


ASJ (Dongguan) has always worked with parents to promote the healthy development of our beloved students. In addition to ensuring that students receive a proper education on campus, family education is also an area of concern for our school. In order to provide parents with an opportunity to learn more about modern concepts of family education and how to deal with their adolescent children, ASJ (Dongguan) invited Dr. Tik Chi-yuen, Member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, recipient of the Silver Bauhinia Star and Justice of the Peace, to share his views on "Ways to Play the Role of a Parent in a Rewarding Way in the Digital Era".



Dr. Tik is a registered social worker in Hong Kong and has served the community for over 30 years. He progressed from a frontline social worker to head of a social service agency. Dr. Tik has extensive experience and influence in the field of family education. He is an honorary advisor to Children's Express, the author of Sweet Mother Words, a column in the Sing Tao Daily Education Edition, and the author of the parenting column on the EVI Children's Education Information Website. He is also the Director of the Hong Kong Academy of Family Education, a member of the Task Force on Home-School Co-operation and Parent Education, and a member of the Committee on Student Suicide Prevention.

狄志远博士是一名香港注册社工,为社区服务超过30年,他从一名一线工作的社工逐渐发展成为一家社会服务机构的负责人。狄博士在家庭教育领域拥有丰富经验和广泛影响力,他参与的传媒节目及专栏包括:《儿童快报》名誉顾问、星岛日报教育版「嗲哋妈咪话」专栏作者及 EVI 儿童教育信息网『启「狄」父母』专栏作者。同时狄博士亦从事许多与教育相关的社会服务,包括:现任香港家庭教育学院总监、家校合作及家长教育专责小组委员、防止学生自杀委员会委员。


During the seminar, Dr. Tik introduced the concept of "CEO Parent" to the audience and shared with them how to play the roles of "Competent", "Effective" and "Optimistic" parents, and also gave some tips on how to interact with children in a rewarding way to help families create an enlightened environment. The seminar was also streamed live online for the benefit of the ASJ community.



The Parent Seminar is a platform for home-school communication that ASJ (Dongguan) has been striving to build. The school plans to invite more renowned experts and scholars from Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area to visit our campus to share with parents educational concepts and academic information that are closely related to their children. We are pleased to announce that the next parent seminar will be held on 30 March as part of the ASJ (Dongguan) Open Day and is open to families from outside the school. Interested families can sign up at our school's open day, so please stay tuned for more information.






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