

With the definition of the arts lending itself to the expression of human creativity, its limits are defined only by one's imagination. Common examples of the arts include painting, music, literature, and dance. For this particular unit, the inspiration came from the school's book fair, which took place earlier in the academic year. 



Written by Teresa Robeson, an award-winning author from the United States with ancestral roots in China, 'Two Bicycles In Beijing' tells the story of two bicycles who watch the world go by in a bicycle shop until their untimely separation, which leads to an adventure around the capital city intending to become reunited once again. 

《北京两辆自行车》是美国获奖作家Teresa Robeson所写,她具有中国血统。故事讲述了两辆自行车在一家商店中目睹世界万象,并因为不合时宜地分离而展开围绕首都的冒险之旅,最终再次相聚。


It allowed the students to link their personal experiences to the story through the sights, food, and other parts of the local culture and explore different literary tools. From understanding the core features of stories to constructing book reviews, the students understood a story's typical structure and features and how a story's content can divide opinions and link to personal experiences. 


In addition, the students learned about personification (the act of giving inanimate or other objects human qualities) by using the bicycles from the story as their main impetus. 


Beyond the confines of the classroom, the students also had the opportunity to write to Teresa Robseon to learn more about her as a person and an author and her inspirations for writing the story. Her responses did not disappoint, with one suggesting she could create a new book set in Hong Kong soon. In addition to her written responses, she was very impressed with the class's exhibits for the recent exhibition, and she even sent the class a hand-signed plate and postcard.

除了课堂内部限制外,学生们还有机会给Teresa Robseon写信以进一步了解她作为一个个体和作家以及撰写这个故事背后灵感来源等更多信息。她回复令人满意,并提议未来可能会创作一本以香港为背景的新书籍。除书面回复外,她对班级最近展览所呈现出的成果印象深刻,并寄送给班级一张手写牌和明信片。


We would like to thank Teresa Robeson for her support throughout the unit and wish her the best of luck with her future endeavours. 

我们非常感谢Teresa Robeson对整个单元活动的支持,并祝愿她未来一切顺利!






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